Social Responsibility

The fostering of relationships based on mutual respect and understanding, and the development of meaningful partnerships with communities and regional civil society organizations are a priority for Tristar.

Over time, our social engagement initiatives will seek to minimize and mitigate any adverse social impacts generated by our activities and, where possible, enhance those that are beneficial. In line with internationally recognized best practices, Tristar commits to engage in partnerships with total transparency, commitment to our partners and communities and under a culture of listening and continuous improvement.

Partnership-Driven Engagement

Tristar Gold is responsible for maximizing and sharing the benefits generated by our business activities, which is based on the search for and extraction of finite sources of mineral resources. Our collaboration and contribution to building robust and sustainable communities will be channeled through community-based initiatives that reflect the priorities of the communities themselves, are inclusive in nature, and will make a positive impact without creating dependencies and conflicts.

We recognize that our community development activities must contribute meaningfully to the development plans of the regions in which operate.

Partnerships are essential to manage social risks and negative societal impacts, while ensuring that resources and efforts have the greatest potential to generate positive and directed impacts. Tristar will actively participate with local communities and recognized civil society organizations devoted to social development, to plan ahead and design ways in which our investments and activities can augment local and regional development opportunities.

Respecting Indigenous Peoples and Protecting Cultural Heritage

Tristar acknowledges and respects traditional land ownership, land uses and the unique rights, culture and history of Indigenous Peoples. When working with Indigenous Peoples interested in, or affected by Tristar projects, the company will seek to operate in a manner consistent with the principles described in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) C169 Indigenous and Tribal People Convention.

Tristar will participate in consultations with specialists and communities to understand and identify our responsibilities as well as possible risks and impacts while meaningfully protecting cultural values, practices, sites, knowledge and objects.

Working with Artisanal and Small-Scale Miners

Artisanal (garimpeiro) and small-scale mining is widespread and ubiquitous in the region where Tristar is actively exploring. While these activities are often unsafe and informal and lacking government permitting and oversight, the livelihoods of many families are dependent on these mining activities.

The Tristar team is committed to working with the garimpeiros through recognized Co-operatives in proximity to our exploration activities, to support them in formalizing and legalizing their activities where appropriate, with the goal of a safer and more secure income for miners, while improving environmental performance and complying with relevant government regulations.

Human Rights

Tristar Gold supports and respects all internationally recognized human rights consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As a company focused on mineral exploration, the rights we tend to have the greatest ability to influence and protect relate to land access, environmental stewardship, labour rights and security. We operate in accordance with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.